900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2.1 GHz bands: Arcep opens a public consultation on the terms and methods for reallocating longstanding mobile telephony frequencies
Launch date:05 April 2018
Modified at:28 October 2022
Language(s): English , French
The agreement reached between the Government, Arcep and mobile operators on 14 January sets out new, stringent and particularly ambitious mobile coverage obligations. The goal: a New deal for mobile connectivity, to achieve ubiquitous, high standard mobile coverage in Metropolitan France thanks to a major rollout push. Today, Arcep is publishing its draft decision for public consultation, with a view to issuing a call for applications that will enable a reallocation of longstanding 2G and 3G frequency bands (now also being used for 4G) for a period of 10 years, whose licences will begin to expire in 2021. The new licences will include new coverage obligations.