Agency's decisions for operators with significant market power in the relevant market 3 "Call termination on individual public telephone network provided at a fixed location (wholesale market)"
Launch date:22 October 2014
Modified at:14 January 2020
Language(s): Slovene
Agencija je skladno z določili 101. členom ZEKom-1 na predmetnem upoštevnem trgu za operaterje s pomembno tržno močjo določila družbe Alstar d.o.o., Amis d.o.o., Detel Global d.d., Eurotel d.o.o., Mega M d.o.o., Novatel d.o.o., Si.mobil d.d., Softnet d.o.o., T-2 d.o.o. – v stečaju, Telekom Slovenije d.d., Telemach d.o.o. in Tušmobil d.o.o., katerim je ob upoštevanju načela sorazmernosti naložila določene regulatorne obveznosti.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 101 of the Electronic Communications Act-1, Agency determined companies - Alstar, Amis, Detel Global, Eurotel, Mega M, Novatel, Si.mobil, Softnet, T-2, Telekom Slovenia, Telemach and Tušmobil, as operators with significant market power on relevant market 3 "Call termination on individual public telephone network provided at a fixed location (wholesale market)," and imposed remedies on them.