Annual Report 2013
Launch date:03 November 2014
Modified at:30 April 2021
Language(s): English
The 2013 Annual Report of the Agency has been prepared according to the new Law on Electronic Communications (Article 26), and it consists of eight chapters, such as follows: 1. Development of electronic communications sector; 2. Imposed regulatory measures; 3. Achievement and quality of the Universal Service in the electronic communications sector; 4. Assigned limited resources; 5. Development of the market of postal affairs; 6. Achievement and quality of universal postal service; 7. Exercise of rights and protection of interests of the users of electronic communication and postal services, and 8. Performed Agency’s tasks established by the Work Plan.
Izvještaj o radu Agencije za 2013. godinu je urađen u skladu sa novim Zakonom o elektronskim komunikacijama (član 26) i sastoji se iz osam poglavlja i to: 1. Razvoj sektora elektronskih komunikacija; 2. Uvedene regulatorne mjere; 3. Ostvarivanje i kvalitet Univerzalnog servisa u sektoru elektronskih komunikacvija; 4. Dodijeljeni ograničeni resursi; 5. Razvoj tržišta poštanske djelatnosti; 6. Ostvarivanje i kvalitet univerzalne poštanske usluge; 7. Ostvarivanje prava i zaštita interesa korisnika elektronskih komunikacionih i poštanskih usluga i 8. Izvršeni zadaci Agencije utvrđeni planom rada.