Launch date:03 November 2015
Modified at:30 April 2021
Language(s): English
The Agency carries out its activities in accordance with its responsibilities stipulated by the Law on Electronic Communications and the Law on Postal Services ("Official Gazette of Montenegro“ ,No 57/11). The Law on Electronic Communications has been aligned with the applicable regulatory framework of the European Union from 2009. The 2014 Annual Report of the Agency has been prepared according to the Law on Electronic Communications (Article 26), and it consists of eight chapters, such as follows: 1. Development of electronic communications sector; 2. Imposed regulatory measures; 3. Achievement and quality of the Universal Service in the electronic communications sector; 4. Assigned limited resources; 5. Development of the market of postal affairs; 6. Achievement and quality of universal postal service; 7. Exercise of rights and protection of interests of the users of electronic communication and postal services, and 8. Performed Agency's tasks established by the Work Plan.
Svoje aktivnosti Agencija sprovodi u skladu sa nadležnostima propisanim Zakonom o elektronskim komunikacijama i Zakonom o poštanskim uslugama („Službeni list Crne Gore“, broj 57/11). Zakon o elektronskim komunikacijama je usaglašen sa važećem regulatornim okvirom Evropske unije iz 2009. godine. Izvještaj o radu Agencije za 2014. godinu je urađen u skladu sa Zakonom o elektronskim komunikacijama (član 26) i sastoji se iz osam poglavlja i to: ‐ Razvoj sektora elektronskih komunikacija; ‐ Uvedene regulatorne mjere; ‐ Ostvarivanje i kvalitet Univerzalnog servisa u sektoru elektronskih komunikacvija; ‐ Dodijeljeni ograničeni resursi; ‐ Razvoj tržišta poštanske djelatnosti; ‐ Ostvarivanje i kvalitet univerzalne poštanske usluge; ‐ Ostvarivanje prava i zaštita interesa korisnika elektronskih komunikacionih i poštanskih usluga i ‐ Izvršeni zadaci Agencije utvrđeni planom rada.