Annual report on the monitoring of net neutrality in Belgium
Launch date:28 June 2018
Modified at:15 April 2020
Language(s): Dutch , French
BIPT publishes the second annual report on the monitoring of net neutrality in Belgium. Some headlines: As for the transparency of broadband Internet speeds BIPT finalised the process on 2 May 2017 that led to a new BIPT decision regarding the communication of the speed of a fixed or mobile broadband connection, which made an earlier BIPT decision about Internet speeds conform with the requirements of the Regulation. Zero-rating was monitored in the period from 1 May 2017 to 30 April 2018, without there appearing to be a reason for intervention. At the end of the period covered by this report BIPT collected more detailed information about the use of DPI (“Deep Packet Inspection”) from the major network operators in Belgium. The analysis of that information will be continued where necessary, this time also taking into account the entry into force of the GDPR. BIPT registered only a few complaints about net neutrality and answered them in accordance with the legal framework and the BEREC Guidelines. All in all BIPT is of the opinion that there are no major reasons for concern in Belgium as to open Internet access: no cases of blocking services or applications in the network have been found and as for end-users’ choice the mobile data volumes included in the ISPs’ offers are growing increasingly in order to meet the evolution of the expanding mobile data traffic.