Consultation on draft regulation defining the rules and procedures for the calculation, settlement and payment of the municipal fee for rights of way (MFRW)
Launch date:06 September 2023
Modified at:09 February 2024
Language(s): English , Portuguese
ANACOM has submitted a draft regulation Download file to consultation establishing the procedures to be adopted by companies offering publicly available electronic communications networks and services at a fixed location in order to assess the Municipal Fee for Rights of Way and make payment to municipalities (TMDP Regulation.
A ANACOM coloca em consulta pública o Download de ficheiro projeto de regulamento que define as regras e fixa os procedimentos a adotar pelas empresas que oferecem redes públicas de comunicações eletrónicas e serviços de comunicações eletrónicas acessíveis ao público, em local fixo, para o apuramento, liquidação e entrega da taxa municipal de direitos de passagem aos municípios (Regulamento TMDP).