Consultation on the draft amendment to the Regulation which defines the methodology for calculating the USNC related to the application of the SIT
Launch date:28 August 2023
Modified at:09 February 2024
Language(s): English , Portuguese
ANACOM launches a public consultation on the Download file draft amendment to Regulation No 1165/2022 of 14 December, which defines the methodology for calculating the net costs of the universal service obligation related to the application of the social tariff for the provision of broadband Internet access services (SIT).
A ANACOM coloca em consulta pública o Download de ficheiro projeto de alteração ao Regulamento n.º 1165/2022, de 14 de dezembro, que define a metodologia a utilizar para o cálculo dos custos líquidos da obrigação de serviço universal relativa à aplicação da tarifa social de fornecimento de serviços de acesso à Internet em banda larga (TSI).