Decision of the BIPT Council on the coexistence of public mobile networks with the GSM-R network in the 900 MHz band
Launch date:29 July 2019
Modified at:15 April 2020
Language(s): Dutch , French
This decision aims at ensuring the coexistence of Infrabel's GSM-R network in the 876.1-879.9/921.1-924.9 MHz frequency bands on the one hand with the public mobile networks in the 880.1-914.9/925.1-959.9 MHz frequency bands on the other hand.
Het doel van dit besluit bestaat erin het naast elkaar bestaan te garanderen van het GSM-R-netwerk van Infrabel in de frequentiebanden 876,1-879,9/921,1-924,9 MHz enerzijds en de openbare mobiele netwerken in de frequentiebanden 880,1-914,9/925,1-959,9 MHz anderzijds.