Decision to deregulate the Relevant Market 2- Call origination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location (wholesale market)
Launch date:21 April 2015
Modified at:14 January 2020
Language(s): Slovene
Agency annulled the decision No. 3824-59 / 2007/3, which designated Telekom Slovenia d.d. as having SMP in the relevant market 2 "Call origination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location (wholesale market) ." Agency conducted a three criteria test and found that the relevant market does not meet the criteria for prior (ex-ante) regulation, therefore it decided to deregulate the market.
Agencija objavlja izrek odločbe s katero je razveljavila odločbo št. 3824-59/2007/3, ki je določala družbo Telekom Slovenije d.d. za operaterja s pomembno tržno močjo na upoštevnem trgu 2 »Posredovanje klicev v javnem telefonskem omrežju na fiksni lokaciji (medoperaterski trg)«. Agencija je v analizi po opravljenem preizkusu treh meril ugotovila, da navedeni upoštevni trg ne izpolnjuje kriterijev za predhodno (ex-ante) regulacijo, zato je navedeni trg deregulirala.