Digital market barometer: 2017 edition
Launch date:27 November 2017
Modified at:28 October 2022
Language(s): French
Arcep, the General Economic Council (CGE) and France's Digital Agency are publishing the results of their annual survey on the adoption and use of digital tools in France. Conducted by the Research Centre for the Study and Observation of Living Conditions in France (CREDOC), this survey consists of face-to-face interviews with a representative sample of 2,209 people, ages 12 and up. How many more mobile phone owners now own a smartphone? How many people believe landline telephones are still useful? What percentage of people in France believe they are computer literate? The 2017 edition also provides a close-up look at the use of roaming in Europe (Roam like at home), of which there is still insufficient awareness in France, and examines the growing popularity of instant messaging apps for making calls from a computer or smartphone.