Facts & Figures - 1st quarter 2017
Launch date:26 July 2017
Modified at:08 December 2023
Language(s): English , Portuguese
The infographics have been made available that summarize the main aspects of the electronic communications sector published by this Authority through its statistical reports for the 1st quarter if 2017. In this way it is intended to provide an overview and provide a quick reference for the most important indicators for monitoring the development of this sector. The information includes indicators on the number of subscribers, penetration rates, traffic, revenues and provider shares of subscribers, updated for the 1st quarter of 2017.
Foi disponibilizada a infografia que sintetiza os principais elementos sobre o sector das comunicações eletrónicas divulgados por esta Autoridade através dos relatórios estatísticos relativos ao 1.º trimestre de 2017. A informação inclui indicadores sobre número de subscritores, taxas de penetração, tráfego, receitas e quotas de assinantes.