Market Review - Wholesale Fixed Voice Call Origination and Transit Markets
Launch date:24 July 2015
Modified at:16 July 2021
Language(s): English
This Response to Consultation and Decision (‘Decision’) sets out ComReg final position regarding its review of competition within the wholesale market for fixed voice call origination provided on individual public telephone networks at a fixed location (‘FVCO’) and the wholesale market for call transit (‘Transit’). The Decision also sets out the role that regulation will play in promoting effective competition within these markets and in related downstream markets for the coming review period.
This Response to Consultation and Decision (‘Decision’) sets out ComReg final position regarding its review of competition within the wholesale market for fixed voice call origination provided on individual public telephone networks at a fixed location (‘FVCO’) and the wholesale market for call transit (‘Transit’). The Decision also sets out the role that regulation will play in promoting effective competition within these markets and in related downstream markets for the coming review period.