Mobile services - 2018
Launch date:06 June 2019
Modified at:08 December 2023
Language(s): English , Portuguese
At the end of the 2018, the penetration of mobile services increased to 170.5 per 100 inhabitants. If only mobile stations with actual use were considered (excluding M2M), the penetration rate in Portugal would be 120.2. According to data from Marktest's Telecommunications Barometer, at the end of 2018, 96.8% of Portugal's residents were Mobile Telephone Service (MTS) customers.
No final de 2018, a penetração do serviço móvel ascendia a 170,5 por 100 habitantes. Caso fossem apenas considerados os acessos móveis com utilização efetiva (excluindo M2M), a taxa de penetração em Portugal seria de 120,2. De acordo com os dados do Barómetro de Telecomunicações da Marktest, no final de 2018, 96,8% dos residentes em Portugal eram clientes do Serviço Telefónico Móvel (STM).