Pricing of Wholesale Services in the Wholesale Local Access (WLA) market and in the Wholesale Central Access (WCA) Markets: Further specification of the price control obligations in Market 3a (WLA) and Market 3b (WCA)
Launch date:07 April 2017
Modified at:16 July 2021
Language(s): English
This consultation and draft decision (‘Draft Decision’) relates primarily to a further specification (and with some amendments) to the price control obligations and transparency obligations in relation to: The Wholesale Local Access at a fixed location (‘WLA’) market (‘WLA Market’) (also referred to as ‘Market 3a’ in the 2014 European Commission Markets Recommendation3 (‘2014 Commission Recommendation’)) as set out in Consultation Document 16/964 (referred to throughout this document as the ‘WLA / WCA Market Review’). The Wholesale Central Access for mass market products (‘WCA’) market (also referred to as ‘Market 3b’ in the 2014 Commission Recommendation) as set out in the WLA / WCA Market Review.