Relevant Market Analysis "The Transfer of Broadcast Content to End-users (wholesale market) - Examination of the Three Criteria"
Launch date:09 March 2016
Modified at:14 January 2020
Language(s): Slovene
Agency carried out the Market Analysis "The Transfer of Broadcast Content to End-users (wholesale market) - Examination of the Three Criteria". The Analysis determined the Market is no longer suitable for the preliminary (ex ante) regulation. Agency also asked the public for the comments and proposals, but did not receive any.
Agencija je izvedla analizo trga "Prenos radiodifuzne vsebine do končnih uporabnikov (medoperaterski trg)", kjer je s preizkusom treh meril ugotovila, da trg ni več primeren za predhodno (ex ante) regulacijo. Agencija je obenem pozvala zainteresirano javnost, naj nanjo poda svoje pripombe oziroma morebitne predloge najkasneje do 8. 4. 2016. Do izteka roka agencija pripomb ni prejela.