The companies Bouygues Telecom, Free Mobile, Orange and SFR have all submitted a tender package to Arcep for the award of licences to use frequencies in the 3.4 – 3.8 GHz band in Metropolitan France
Launch date:26 February 2020
Modified at:28 October 2022
Language(s): English , French
Four companies submitted a tender package as part of the process to obtain licences to use 3.4 ‑– 3.8 GHz band frequencies in Metropolitan France, before the deadline of 12 pm on 25 February 2020.
Quatre sociétés ont déposé un dossier de candidature pour l’attribution des fréquences de la bande 3,4 ‑ 3,8 GHz en France métropolitaine avant la date limite du 25 février 2020 à 12 heures;
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