The universal postal service accounts for about one third of An Post’s business and it is only this portion that is subject to price regulation by ComReg. The major portion of An Post’s business is not regulated by ComReg. 3. In 2014, and in line with legislation1 , ComReg put a 5-year price cap in place (until 2019) for certain universal postal services2 provided by An Post, the designated universal postal service provide
Launch date:21 September 2016
Modified at:16 July 2021
Language(s): English
On 26 May 2016, the Commission for Communications Regulation (“ComReg”) published an Information Notice1 outlining the objectives and scope of its review of Eircom Limited’s (“Eir's”) Regulatory Governance Model ("RGM") with a focus on two work streams - Governance and Operations. ComReg appointed KPMG and Cartesian Limited (the “advisors”) as independent advisors to assist ComReg with its review. The review is comprised of three phases; a Preliminary Phase, Phase 1 and Phase 2. The Preliminary Phase has been completed and Phase 1 is currently being concluded as planned. ComReg anticipates that Phase 2 will be completed in early 2017.