What is the CNMC?
Launch date:08 February 2018
Modified at:09 February 2018
Language(s): English , Spanish
The National Commission on Markets and Competition (CNMC in Spanish) is an entity that promotes and defends proper functioning of all markets, in the interest of consumers and businesses. It is a public entity with its own autonomous legal status. It is independent from Spain's central government but is subject to parliamentary control. It began its operations on 7 October 2013.
La Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) es el organismo que promueve y defiende el buen funcionamiento de todos los mercados en interés de los consumidores y de las empresas. Es un organismo público con personalidad jurídica propia. Es independiente del Gobierno y está sometido al control parlamentario. Entró en funcionamiento el 7 de octubre de 2013.